Spellings WB 18.03.24

Please find attached the spellings for the week beginning Monday 18th March.

Children will be tested on Friday 22nd March.

Many thanks,

The Year 1 Team.

Website WB 18.03.24

Spellings WB 11.03.24

Please find attached the spellings for the week beginning Monday 11th March.

Children will be tested on Friday 15th March.

Many thanks,

The Year 1 Team.

Website WB 11.03.24


WB 04.03.24 – Year 1’s Visit to Christ Church in Wellington

Year 1 had a fantastic morning at Christ Church in Wellington. We’ve learnt about 7 important features of a Church; the organ, the pulpit, the font, the altar, the stained glass windows, the door and the lectern.

We enjoyed listening to Father Stuart read a passage from the Bible and Ann playing ‘All things bright and beautiful’ on the organ.

It was a fantastic morning!

Thank you to all of the members of the church for running the visit, and for the parents helpers who joined us on the trip.

Spellings WB 04.03.24

Please find attached the spellings for week beginning Monday 4th March.

This week the children will be focusing on red words for their spellings. These may require more practice at home as they are words which are read on sight, and are not decodable like green words are. We will also be practising them in school.

Many thanks,

The Year 1 Team.

Website WB 04.03.24



On Tuesday 5th March Year 1 will be starting to make their Toy Cars. We don’t currently have enough toilet rolls for each child to make their own toy car. Please can we ask for you to send your child in with some toilet rolls next week, to ensure we have enough for each child to make their own car.

Thank you!

Mrs Jenkins


Spellings WB 19.02.24

Please see attached the spellings for the first week back after half term.

Children will be tested on Friday 23rd February.

Have a wonderful half term break!

Many thanks,

The Year 1 Team

Spellings for Website WB 19.02.24

WB 05.02.24 – Year 1 Science Investigation

This week in our Science lesson we took part in an investigation to find the best waterproof material to make a coat for a teddy bear.

We investigated by measuring out some water and adding it to lots of different materials (based on our predications last week). We discovered that plastic would be the best material for a waterproof coat, and that if we had a coat made from paper or wool, we would get very wet!

WB 29.01.24 – BeeBots in Base 6

This week in Year 1 we have been creating algorithms for the BeeBots.

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