Sports Day Events

Pupils will be coming home with a sports day letter next week but just a reminder of the dates below, we really hope parents and carers will be able to join us for their child/rens events below.

19th June – Reception sports morning

20th June – Year 3 & 4 sports morning & Year 5 & 6 sports afternoon

21st June – Year 1 & 2 sports morning


STEAM Week: Week Beginning Monday 26th June

Dear Parent/Carers,

This year, during our STEAM Week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), our whole school topic will be ‘Connections’. We have some exciting activities, ‘hands on’ experiments and investigations and music, art and design activities planned as part of this week. We will be looking at some famous inventors and scientists, the amazing things that they created and discovered, and the impact they have had on the world as well as having the opportunity to go on a learning journey ourselves. All children will have the opportunity to show their creativity, engineering and scientific learning throughout the week so please look out for uploads onto our website and twitter pages.

During the week, the children will be learning about all the careers linked to STEAM. On Monday 26th June, to begin our STEAM Week, all children are invited to come into school in any costumes linked to our theme. This may include dressing up as a famous inventor, scientist, discoverer, artist or musician. We hope that lots of children will take part in this opportunity to celebrate and discuss the range of careers linked to these subjects within school.

If you feel you could support our STEAM Week in anyway, as I know that many of you have expertise and interests in these areas, it would be wonderful to hear from you.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Helen Gilbert
Science Coordinator

Numbots & Times Tables Rock Starts 09.06.2023

top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Evie P, Isla D-C, Hukam M

Year 2: Amina S, Theo C, Lily L

Year 3: Arnold A, Amelia E, 

Year 4: Qais S, Jenna M-W, Madi S

Year 5: Megan YTL, Jacob K, Seerat M

Year 6: Muhammad M, Inayah S, Elna T

More Amazing Art!

Once again, the young artists of Apley Wood have produced some amazing pieces of art and as expected I’ve run out of space on my board to display them!

Wednesday’s budding Turner’s created a space scene.  As they had done such amazing work for the rest of the term,  our last session was all about decorating a frame for their masterpieces. They were super creative in these pieces!

Thursday’s artists followed the tutorial to create a phoenix’s eye. They used their creative flair when it came to their phoenix’s pupil and came up with their own colour scheme.

This term we are attempting to create pictures of Hogwarts in the moonlight. I look forward to sharing these pieces with you at the end of this final term.

Mrs Evans.

Homework Projects

Thank you to all the effort that has gone into the homework project we set for this term. Your child’s rocket is now displayed in their classroom for all to see!

Here is a sneaky peak…

Summer 2 – Week 1- EYFS Weekly Update


Base 1 practised for their upcoming Sports Day. They listened fantastically. We hope lots of parents are able to attend. 


Forest School

The children in Base 2 made bug hotels!



Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult –  sounds your child needs to learn have been given to you at parents evening.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud, encourage them to read in their head ‘Fred in their head’.

Please ensure your child’s reading book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so your child can read with an adult in school.

Books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words fluently.


This week, we are learning to understand that doubling means twice as many.

Challenge to complete at home to support learning in school:

Practise doubling numbers to 5. Tell a story of someone having trouble looking after two dogs who will not do what they are told. Then they get given two more dogs to look after – now they have four and they have ‘double trouble’! What about if they have three dogs – how many would be double trouble? Ask the children to model doubling numbers up to five on their fingers.


This half term, our topic is based around ‘Journeys’ and this week we read ‘Martha Maps it Out’. The children will enjoy lots of activities linked to this story next week.

The children have enjoyed imbedding their learning from our previous book ‘The Lion inside’ and this week they enjoyed singing songs about being brave and sharing times when they have shown themselves to be brave.

Check out our brave poses:



Next Wednesday, Reception have their family lunch.


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Sports Day Letter

Please check your child’s bag for the letter regarding what they should wear for Sports Day.


Many thanks,


The EYFS Team

REAch2 Academy Trust
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