Summer 2 – Week 3 – EYFS Weekly Update


This week Base 2 played a range of team building skills. They especially enjoyed playing the game cat and mouse. 
Forest School
Base 1 went on a summer walk and completed a summer checklist. The children developed their vocabulary and enjoyed speaking about the changes they could see if this beautiful season. 



Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud, encourage them to read in their head ‘Fred in their head’, develop fluency and read at speed.

Please ensure your child’s reading book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so your child can read with an adult in school.

Books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words fluently.


This week, we are learning to recognise the structure of odd and even numbers.

Challenge to complete at home to support learning in school:

Watch the link above and practise finding odd or even numbers up to 10 by sharing them equally between two groups. Do both groups have the same amount? Is this number odd or even?


This half term, our topic is based around ‘Journeys’ and this week we read ‘Whatever Next’. The children will enjoy lots of activities linked to this story next week during STEAM week.

Click on the link below to listen to the story together at home.,vid:6c5cb0u0rPM



Next week is our whole school STEAM week. Remember to dress up on Monday!


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Week 3 Forest School/PE

This week, Base 1 will be having Forest School and Base 2 will be having PE.


Many thanks,

The EYFS Team

Year 2 STEAM Week resource reminder for next week

For STEAM week this year, the children will require some resources.

Please remember to bring a small plastic bottle and an old pair of socks (preferably fluffy) in a named carrier bag by Monday 26th June.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Craig

Sewing Fun – 19.06.2023

Base 3 have really enjoyed sewing their puppets this morning. The children really enjoyed it and are now ready to start decorating their puppets to give the animals their features.

Computing with Mr G – 19.06.2023

Another fantastic afternoon with Mr Gerrie this afternoon. We have continued to build on our Scratch Jr. projects. Everyone blew us away with their resilience and problem solving skills. It was also great to hear the children using computing vocabulary to explain to one another, what they were doing.


Attendance Figures 16.06.2023

Overall School attendance is 96%

Key Stage 1

Base 5 has the best attendance 99.44%

Key Stage 2

Base 14 has the best attendance 92.22%

Well done to Base 5 and 14 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

REAch2 Academy Trust
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