STEAM Week Reminder – Dress up Monday 26th June

STEAM Week: Week Beginning Monday 26th June

Dear Parent/Carers,

This year, during our STEAM Week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), our whole school topic will be ‘Connections’. We have some exciting activities, ‘hands on’ experiments and investigations and music, art and design activities planned as part of this week. We will be looking at some famous inventors and scientists, the amazing things that they created and discovered, and the impact they have had on the world as well as having the opportunity to go on a learning journey ourselves. All children will have the opportunity to show their creativity, engineering and scientific learning throughout the week so please look out for uploads onto our website and twitter pages.

During the week, the children will be learning about all the careers linked to STEAM. On Monday 26th June, to begin our STEAM Week, all children are invited to come into school in any costumes linked to our theme. This may include dressing up as a famous inventor, scientist, discoverer, artist or musician. We hope that lots of children will take part in this opportunity to celebrate and discuss the range of careers linked to these subjects within school.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Helen Gilbert
Science Coordinator

Reception Sports Day

Thank you to all the parents that were able to come and spectate and well done to all the parents who took part in the parent race. The children really enjoyed their sports day and did a fantastic job!


A reminder to those that have access to the school carpark to keep speed to a minimum and park within the lined bays.

We have a lot of pedestrians walking in front of the main carpark gates at peak times so please be mindful of this when exiting the carpark.

Hadley & Leegomery Parish Council – Summer Fete 25.06.2023

Numbots & Times Tables Rock Stars 23.06.2023

top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Zyra D, Harley C, Harry C

Year 2: Lilly T, Cara M-W, Theo C

Year 3: Annabell G, Gabby U, Arnold A

Year 4: Qais S, Alec-Maximus D, Mehreen W

Year 5: Megan YTL, Sabrina S

Year 6: Elna T, Inayah S

Attendance Figures 23.06.2023

Overall School attendance is 95.1%

Key Stage 1

Base 4 has the best attendance 98.67%

Key Stage 2

Base 10 has the best attendance 99.33%

Well done to Base 4 and 10 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Extended Day Awards 23.06.2023

Breakfast Club Stars of the week: Jacob K, Reuben D, Isla D-C, Aabidullah Y

Hub Stars of the week: Georgia W, Jacob M, Edward B, Oscar W

Lunchtime Supervisors Award 23.06.2023

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Joshua S, Noah E, Poppy M, Gracie T-E, Taylor T, Edward B, Monty M, Pippa S, Evie K, Albie-George T, Sophia S, Jesse S, Inayah S, Harry C, Andrea D, Solana S, Oliver H

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Sports Day for Year 2 – 21/06/2023

What a fantastic morning of sports Year 2 had this week. They showed great teamwork, resilience and cheered one another on. They also enjoyed seeing their grown ups race at the end of the morning too!

Summer Fair – Friday 30th June

Thank you to all the parents/carers who generously donated last Friday!

If any keen bakers would like to donated a cake for the fair, we will be accepting these on the morning of Friday 30th June.

As well as the above we have the following available at the fair:

  • Fun and music with PJ the Funky DJ
  • Bubble football
  • Police car and fire engine
  • Tombolas and games with great prizes to be won
  • Pottery painting
  • Martial arts and dance performances
  • School choir

Plus much more!

A reminder to bring change and small notes to the fair. We are not able to take any card payments at this event.

We look forward to seeing you there!

REAch2 Academy Trust
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