Welcome back Year 4!

Year 4 have had a great first couple of weeks settling back into school.

This term, our topic is Walk Like An Egyptian and we will be learning about Egypt in the past and present, mummification and gods and goddesses. They will also be doing some Egyptian artwork and looking at hieroglyphics which we are really excited to do.

Our Science topics this term are Sound and Electricity. As part of these topics, we will be planning and carrying out lots of investigations, including making a sound proof pyramid and Christmas decorations.

PE kits need to be in school every Monday as our PE slots are Monday and Wednesday. They can be taken home after Wednesday’s lesson.

Spellings are given out every Monday and tested on Friday. Maths homework is given out every Friday and needs to be completed by the following Thursday.

We are excited for the following term and can’t wait for everything that we have planned.

If you have any questions for us, please contact the school office.

Thank you,

Mr Taylor and Mrs Beardwood

Welcome to Year 2!

Base 3 and 4 have had a wonderful first couple of weeks settling into Year 2.

This term, our topic is FIRE FIRE and we will be learning about Bonfire Night celebrations, Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. The children will be learning how to stay safe around fire, why we have Bonfire Night and they will be given the opportunity to share their own experiences. We hope you can make our annual school Fireworks Display in November!

Our Science topics this term are Animals including Humans and All Living Things. As part of these topics, we will visit Chester Zoo to see a range of different animals in December.

After half term, the children will get the opportunity to audition for our annual Christmas Play which Miss Gilbert and Mrs Williams are very excited about!

If you have any questions for us, please contact the school office.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Williams


First Week in Reception

The children have settled in really well and are beginning to form good relationships.  Our topic this half term is Marvellous me.  Within Literacy, they enjoyed drawing pictures and sharing information about their favourite things at home and have also practised writing their name. During Maths, they practised matching quantities to the correct numeral. Overall, we are very proud of all the children’s efforts and we are excited about the term ahead.

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