Languages Day

Base 3 had a wonderful day exploring different languages and cultures from across the world. They learned how to say hello in a range of ways and then used the laptops to present them in a word cloud. The children showed great team ant skills whilst completing this task. They also looked the culture of Aborigines and then imitated their dotty art pictures of an animal of their choice. The children were showing great resilience during this activity. Their finished pieces look spectacular – well done!

Learning Detectives

This week, the children have started to take it in turns to become a Learning Detective! Two children are chosen daily; they are then responsible for spotting super independent learning and then report this back to the class at the end of the day. We will continue this throughout the year.

Shropshire Star STEM Challenge Day

Today, six Year 6 children displayed their Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths skills as they competed against other schools in a Shropshire Star STEM challenge day at Enginuity.

The children showed superb team ant skills whilst they designed and made a Wildlife Centre, following a brief and a limit to their costing, on a ‘piece of land’ which had a range of endangered species.

They planned their design meticulously and therefore were awarded a prize for their efforts. The children used the resources and budget carefully, showers resilience when things didn’t go to plan and then articulated their design to the judges brilliantly.

It was a fantastic day and a pleasure to take them, well done!

Plant Investigators

Base 11 and 12 worked really hard today to dissect a flower and label all of the parts. They used scientific language to describe their work. Well done Year 5!


Forest School and PE

This week, the children had their first experience of Forest School/P.E. Base 1 enjoyed going for a walk and having a picnic, whilst Base 2 enjoyed exploring different ways of travelling. The children have been working hard within Literacy and have drawn and labelled pictures of their family. Within Maths, the children have been counting and even writing numerals. We are very impressed with all their hard efforts. Well done, Reception!

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