DEAR Time in Base 3 – 7/6/2023

What a lovely afternoon we have spent with our parents during DEAR time. Thank you for coming to share our love of books.

Class Photographs – Thursday 8th June

Just a quick reminder that we are having school photographs on Thursday and it is our PE day.

Please come to school in your uniform and we will adapt our PE lesson to be something that is appropriate to wearing our school uniform.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Craig

Players Player Award

Congratulations to Riley who for the second year running has been awarded the Players Player and came runner up for the Supporters Player of the year.

This weekend he travels with his kickboxing team to the ICO British Championships where if he is successful could go on to represent team GB at the world championships in October. Wishing you all the very best Riley!

Computing with Mr G – 5/6/23

Base 3 thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon working with Mr G using Scratch Jr. We cannot wait for next lesson!

Thank you!


End of half term message

Thank you again for all your support this half term. The children have really enjoyed their topic and are now facing their final half term before Year 1. Their resilience and attitude to learning continues to impress us and we hope you all have a wonderful half term.


Please could we ask you all to check bags just in case a football trophy has accidently been picked up. If it is found, please pass it on to one of the staff.



  • On the first week back, Base 1 will have PE and Base 2 will have forest school.
  • Forest School: If the weather is nice, fingers crossed, the children will just need outdoor clothes, trainers, a sun hat and please apply sun cream before school.
  • Homework projects due by 9th June. Further details can also be found on the website.



The EYFS Team

Extended Day Awards 16.06.2023

Breakfast Club Stars of the week: Riley W, Layla S, Charlie S

Hub Stars of the week: Oskar H, Andrea D, Shay O

Attendance Figures 26.05.2023

Overall School attendance is 95%

Key Stage 1

Base 6 has the best attendance 99.66%

Key Stage 2

Base 13 has the best attendance 98.65%

Well done to Base 6 and 13 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Top Table Award – Summer 1 2023

Congratulations to the below children who were awarded a top table seat at lunchtime today to commemorate their fantastic attitude and behaviour at lunchtime throughout spring term.

Betsy S-E, Habibah K, Shauni S, Bobby B, Hukam M, Olivia W, Carter W, Roman F,

Blake R, William C-B, Jasmeet S, Manelle A, Sunainah T, Ethan G,

Amelia A, Ben C, Peter C, Charlie H

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