Magnetic materials

Today as part of our science lesson we headed out into the sunshine to see which materials were magnetic and which weren’t. We then classified these objects to make a conclusion.

Science Investigation

We have had such a busy week in Year 3! The rain meant we didn’t make it into forest school today, but we still managed to make our own compasses and learn that they always point north-south.




What a lovely day Year 3 have had in the sunshine at Wroxeter. We explored the Roman ruins, learned all about the history of the city and even spoke some Latin!
We have realised that although life today is very different to the Roman times, they had lots of the same things that we still do now.

Nature drawing

Year 3 had a lovely afternoon outside. We are learning all about Gaudi and his mosaics, which were inspired by nature. We had a go at designing our own mosaics using the things we could see around us, ready to make our own!

Woodwind assembly

Today we had a special visitor in assembly. He showed us a range of different woodwind instruments, which one day we might like to play ourselves!

Police Visit

Yesterday, Year 3 were lucky enough to have 2 police officers visit and talk to us about what they do. They explained their uniform, different things that they have to deal with in their job and how we can help them. 

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