Welcome back/PE day change

We hope you had a lovely, relaxing break. What a fantastic first day back we have had in Year 3 after the Christmas holidays, with the children coming back ready to learn!

This half term, the children will be doing their geography learning through forest school as detailed in the letter sent out to parents. This will take place on a Thursday afternoon, so we advise the children to bring a spare pair of shoes, such as wellies or old trainers, as the site may be muddy. They should still come to school in school uniform, but may bring waterproof trousers with them if they wish to.

As we are in forest school on a Thursday afternoon, our PE day has also changed. Year 3 PE will now take place on the following days:

Monday- Indoor PE

Tuesday- Outdoor PE

Thank you for your support with this.

Miss Dovydaitis and Mrs Hindle


Year 3 Barmouth trip

What a fantastic day we had at the seaside! The children used ordnance surveys to find a range of human and physical features, before tucking into some chips at lunchtime. We then took a walk along the sand in the sunshine. The children represented the school well with their excellent behaviour. Well done Year 3!


Children in Need Y3- 17.11.23

Thank you to Mr Mountford for arranging lots of fun activities for the children to take part in as part of our Children in Need day. We had a great time dancing and doing lots of ‘bear-pees’!

Year 3 Science in Forest School 16.11.2023

Year 3 had a fantastic time doing their science learning in our forest school area. The children looked at 6 different types of rocks and predicted what they were called. We then talked about what they might be used for based on their properties. Thank you to Mrs Jones for such a great lesson!

Pep the Poet Visit 7.11.2023

Year 3 had a fantastic time yesterday in their poetry workshop with Pep. They loved listening to his funny poems! It has inspired them to write some of their own.

Music morning- 20.10.2023

Although it wasn’t the day we had planned, Year 3 had a great time last Friday morning composing and performing their own music. We are so proud of their resilient attitudes towards the change in schedule! 

Year 3 Salad Making 27.10.2023

Yesterday, Year 3 made the salads that they had designed in our D&T topic. They were very resilient and tried lots of new foods!

Year 3 Forest School

Yesterday, Year 3 enjoyed a rainy morning in forest school to complete their science investigation, looking at how we use our muscles.

Year 3 Salad Tasting- 4.10.2023

Yesterday afternoon Year 3 had the opportunity to try 3 different types of salad. We are very proud of them for trying new things- lots of them went back for more! 

Year 3 Forest School 5th October

On Thursday morning, the Year 3 children have the opportunity to do their science learning outside in Forest School. They will be going out whatever the weather, so please send them to school with a coat in case it rains, and a spare pair of shoes if possible such as wellies or old trainers that they can get muddy. 

Thank you!

Miss Dovydaitis and Mrs Hindle

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