Dear Year 4

Congratulations! You have all made it to the end of a very strange school year. We know we haven’t spent as much time together as planned but we just wanted you to know how much we appreciate all of the hard work you have done this year so we have written you a letter.

End of year letter to children year 4

Have a great summer, stay safe and we look forward to seeing your smiling faces across the playground next year.

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor


Year 4 Weekly Challenge

Hi Year 4

Well we are in our last week now and you will soon be moving to your next classes. It has been lovely working with you all and I know you will continue to try hard as you move on to your Year 5 adventure.

For your last writing challenge, I would like you to write a letter to your new teacher. You could tell them all about:

  • you and your family
  • likes and dislikes
  • hobbies
  • pets
  • favourite subjects
  • your friends
  • how you have spent lockdown
  • what you are looking forward to in Year 5

I will pass any letters on that are sent into school at

Enjoy your Summer

Mrs Beardwood

Year 4 Writing Challenge

Take a look at the picture below. How do you think this happened?

I would like you to complete a piece of writing about this picture. It could be a story, a newspaper report, poem or any other genre you like.

When you have finished send your writing (a photograph or a digital copy) to the school email address.

Have fun

Mrs Beardwood


VE Day 75

Hi everyone

The National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire have created some fantastic new resources to hep the nation celebrate VE day on the 8th of May. Check out the resources for Key Stage 2 and the adult pack. They have lots of fun activities, puzzles, recipes and song lyrics.

Remember to send photos of you celebrating to

Key Stage 2 pack

Adult pack

Take a look at the NMA website for more information about VE day.

Have fun

Mrs Beardwood

Living History

As we continue to live in lock-down, we are experiencing first-hand an event which will be learnt about in history and science lessons of the future. Wouldn’t it be great to make a record so that others can learn about what we have done and how we feel? 

Use these resources to help record some of the things you have been doing, what you have enjoyed and what you miss. You don’t need to print anything – just use the questions and write down your answers on a piece of paper.

Key Stage 1

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Who knows – your writing might help children in the future understand what lock-down was like!

Mrs Beardwood

More VE Day Ideas

Hi everyone

As Miss Morgan has already said, next week is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

At the end of World War 2, families and communities celebrated by having street parties and singing and dancing. I would like you to recreate this in your own home by learning to sing a song popular at the time.

‘We’ll Meet Again’ by Dame Vera Lynn was sung across the nation to celebrate the fact that separation from loved ones and hardship was coming to an end. I would like you to have a go at learning the song to sing with your family. The song will be a big part of this years celebrations with a nationwide performance from doorsteps planned for 9pm on the 8th May. So give it a go!

I would love it of you could film/photograph yourself (with or without your family) singing and send it to the school email address.

You might even want to dress up in 1940s costumes and hold a garden tea party to celebrate such an important event.

I look forward to seeing the fun you all have.

Mrs Beardwood


Keep Singing!

Hi Everyone

Did you know singing is good for your mental and physical health? You all know how much I love to sing! Well now the Sing Up website we use in my assemblies has released some resources to keep us all singing.

Have a go at the Song of the Week – One moment, one people. There is a video to help you and you can download lyrics too.

Make sure you also check out ‘Sing Up at Home’ where you will find a range of fun playlists and resources to keep you singing. There are even sign language videos.

We will be using some of these songs in assembly when we get back to school.

Have fun and keep singing

Mrs Beardwood

New Online Learning Resources

Hello everyone

I hope you all had a really good Easter and have not eaten too much chocolate!

As we begin the Summer Term we will begin looking at new topics. This term we will be finding out about the Tudors for our History topic and the digestive system and teeth in science.

To help support you there have been some super new resources released today. BBC Bitesize are producing weekly timetables and activities so make sure you check them out.

Please focus on the English and Maths resources, but have a go at the music and wellbeing.

The Oak Academy have also produced some fantastic resources. Not all of the foundation lessons are relevant so again focus on the English and Maths.

Check out the Henry VIII lessons as well – they are great. You will need paper, a pen/pencil and a ruler.

Have fun!

Mrs Beardwood

Maths on the Move

Good Afternoon all

Hope everyone is keeping well!

The fantastic people at Maths on the Move have released the following home challenge sheets. They are full of fantastic practical maths tasks you can try at home. There are 3 different sheets depending on your age: Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6.

Hope you have fun having a go. Remember to take photos of yourselves completing the tasks and share them with us by email or on Twitter.

Mrs Beardwood

Year 4 Challenge

Hi Everyone

I hope you are all doing well and looking after your families.

During World Book Week, remember how you tried to guess my favourite book?

Well – here it is ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ by Enid Blyton.

In the story, three children (Joe, Bessie and Fanny) discover a magical tree in the woods near there house. In the tree they meet many magical characters and get to visit fantasy lands where they have amazing adventures. Some of the lands they visit are: Land of Topsy-Turvy, Land of Goodies, Land of Take What you Want and the Land of Do as you Please. I am sure you can imagine the fun you could have in these places.

Your Task

I would like you to imagine your own fantasy land. Be as imaginative and creative as you can. Perhaps you would like a land of sweets and cakes, rainbows and unicorns or a football themed land. Then I would like you to:

  1. Paint/draw/make your land – be as creative as you can.
  2. Write a description of the land.
  3. Write a story about an adventure that could happen in your land.

Remember to share your pictures and stories on twitter or email them to school so I can see your wonderful creations.

Good luck and have fun!

Mrs Beardwood

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