Happy New Year!

Welcome back Year 4! I hope you all had a super break and were able to spend lots of time with your families.

There has been a change to our PE days due to swimming lessons. This term, children will need to wear PE kits to school on a Monday and a Wednesday. Monday’s lesson will be outdoors so please ensure that your child is dressed warmly.

Please take a look at this term’s overview to see what we are learning before Easter.

Y4 Spring Term Curriculum Overview

Here is this week’s timetable for anyone learning at home this week.


Hope you all have a great first week back.

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

Year 4 – Week 9 timetable

Good Morning

Here is the timetable for any Year 4 pupils who are working from home this week.

Week 9 8.11.21

Amazing Egyptians!

Base 8 have had a fantastic time celebrating our Egyptian Day today. The costumes were incredible although some were quite scary! We had super fun getting artistic and have created some fantastic clay cartouches, spice paintings and Egyptian jewellery.

Everyone worked really hard and have made me super proud.

Mrs Beardwood

Weekly Timetable

Please find below the timetable for the week beginning the 11th October 2021.

This is to be used by any children working at home this week.

Week 6 11.10.21

Y4 Timetable – 20/9/21

Please find below the week 3 timetable for any children working from home.

Week 3

Online Learning Y4 6.9.21

Please find attached the timetable for any pupils learning from home this week.


Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

REAch2 Academy Trust
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