Dawley Wanderers football team sponsored walk 17/7/24

Several of the children from Apley Wood have completed a sponsored walk up the Wrekin for their football team, Dawley Wanderers. (Arthur E, Fletcher C, Harrison W, Jenson W, Lucas L and Joe D). They managed to raise over £500 and absolutely smashed it.

Year 6 Prom

We hope our Year 6 enjoyed their prom.  We wish them all the very best in their new schools.

Extended Day Care 19/07/24

Mrs Hall would like to say a big thank you for her lovely cards and gifts received in breakfast club and the hub it is greatly appreciated.

She would like to wish good luck to all of our year 6 children who are moving on and will be starting their next chapter in life.

Have a great summer everyone.

Lunchtime Top Table Award 19/07/24

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Top Table Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Kunashe M, Holly H, Fynn H, Emilia P, Gabby U, Isabella S, Taylor T, Aiden E, Imogen M, Emily C-M, Freddie P, Sophie C, Amina S, Harley W, Kim A, Avani M. 

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Numbots/ Timetable Rockstars 19/07/24

Top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Jaiden B, Lucas L, Harper W.

Year 2: Aibel E, Aiden E, Zyra D.

Year 3: Habibah K, Jack D, Bobby H.

Year 4: Amelia S, Arnold A. 

Year 5: Sunainah T, Finley B-D, 

Year 6: Alyssa H, Cyan M.

100% Attendance Certificate

Congratulations to the following children who have received an 100% Attendance Certificate

Ellie B, Edward B, Michelle A, Sasha H, Regan M, Avani M, Carter S, Lilly T, Joshua Y, Jessica W, Alfie W.

Well done! You are all Superstars!

A Big Thank You

Mrs Robinson has asked us to pass on her thanks for all the lovely cards, gifts and kind wishes she received yesterday on her last day.

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