
We may not be in school to complete our weekly spelling tests, but don’t let that stop you from practising them! You can test yourself or get your family members on-board and test one-another!

Attached are the spelling lists for each year group and a ‘Spelling Menu’ which suggests lots of fun ways that you could practise them. Be creative! We’d love to see how many different, imaginative ways you can find to help you to learn them.

High frequency word spelling list

Year 1 and 2 spelling list

Year 3 and 4 spelling list

Year 5 and 6 spelling list

Home learning- White Rose Maths Week 2

Follow the link below for this week’s White Rose maths lessons for Year 6.

This week’s focus is finalising ratio and scaling, followed by measuring and calculating angles – a great opportunity to consolidate previous learning taught during Spring term.


Design a workout plan for Joe Wicks

Joe Wicks is holding a competition and we’d love for Apley Wood pupils to get involved!

Design a workout plan, ask an adult to upload a photo of it to a social media platform (such as twitter, instagram, facebook) and Joe Wicks will choose a winning entry to lead during one of his morning PE sessions next week which thousands of people watch!

Write down a plan which includes:

  • What exercises will be performed
  • How long each exercise will last
  • When and how long rest periods will take place
  • Your name, age and where you are from

The entire workout must last a total of 20 minutes. When you upload your photo make sure you hashtag #PEwithJoe so that he can find your entry!

Finally, it would be lovely to see what amazing workout plans you create so if you upload it to twitter write that you’re from @Apleywood – we could even share your workout plans on the website for your peers try!

Fitness House Hunt

I’ve written a ‘treasure hunt’ style activity which gets the children moving around the house, completing different fitness exercises. Simply grab some pieces of paper and a pen, write down the different fitness ‘clues’ and hide the trail around the house at the different locations for them to discover. (Or if you have a printer you’re more than welcome to print off the document attached where it’s all written for you ready to go!). Feel free to adapt the number and time-lengths of the activities to suit the age and stamina of your child.  You could even repeat it with different exercises or get the children to change it themselves; if they’re really creative they could make their own!

Fitness House Hunt

  • (START) Exercise is fun to do. By the sofa is your first clue.
  • Do 10 sit ups on the floor. Then go and look on the bathroom door.
  • 10 jumping jacks and show you’re keen. Then head straight to the washing machine.
  • Touch your toes and then your head (x10). Make your way up to your bed.
  • For 20 seconds, make a bridge. Run down the stairs to reach the fridge.
  • 20 seconds: hold the plank position. Quickly skip to the television.
  • Do 10 push ups on the ground. Jump to where your shoes are found.
  • Complete 10 squats at a steady pace. Find a mirror to look at your face.
  • 30 seconds: hold a balanced pose. Move to the place that stores your clothes.
  • Do 10 burpees jumping up high. Go to the lounge window to see the sky.
  • Admire the view- you are the best. Now grab a seat and take a rest!

Fitness House Hunt  (This also includes a letter which each clue, so once they’ve completed each activity they’ll discover the hidden message!)

Did they enjoy it? They could time themselves and see if they can beat their score the next time!

Home learning- White Rose maths

Follow the link below for a series of maths lessons for the children to complete. Five lessons will be added each week for the next few weeks and every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.

This week’s lessons for Year 6 are ratio. This was the last topic which we taught before the school closure so will give the children the opportunity to apply and recap their new learning!


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