Virtual STW School Games – Challenge 2

Happy Bank Holiday!

Challenge 2 for the Virtual STW School Games is NEW AGE KURLING! 

It is half term and hopefully you’re relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather, so there’s no expectation for you to complete it this week – you could complete it next week and email it together along with Challenge 3!

  • Please send in a video and a photo along with your best score (you can use the score sheet attached if you wish).
  • All videos/photos and scores should be sent to
  • You must include the child’s name, age, year group and school and whether there is parental consent for videos/photos to be shared on their social media platforms.
  • We would also love it if you could cc us into the email so that we can admire your skills and share them on the school website: and

If you would like to watch a video example of how you could complete this challenge, open the document below and follow the video links. Remember, you can be creative with how you participate and the ‘equipment’ you use!

We look forward to seeing all your photos and videos #NAKChallenge


Challenge 2 – New Age Kurling

Active Challenges

Scarlett did a brilliant job at completing the 60 second active challenges each day last week. She had lots of fun with her family setting-up the challenges, timing the 60 seconds and scoring her personal achievements. It’s great to see you having such a wonderful time and keeping active!

  Scarlett scored a massive 43 on the leg tucks!

She put her stamina to the test and scored an amazing 53 on the obstacle course!


 She scored a brilliant 41 on the around the world challenge using a shuttlecock!

And she also scored 51 on the clap and catch challenge and a great 44 on the step ups challenge! What incredible scores Scarlett! You really have shown great determination and had a lot of fun in the process.

Now you’re perfectly prepared to take part in the amazing Virtual STW School Games challenges we’re sharing each week. This week are two dodgeball activities- good luck!

Weekly Challenge

This week, we would like you to create a general knowledge quiz which you could use with your family. Think carefully about who you are writing the quiz for and what questions you will include. You could even organise your questions into categories to test different subject areas – remember to keep the answers secret!

Send us a photo of your quiz (and the answers) so that we can test our knowledge too!

We look forward to seeing what brilliant questions you can come up with.

Active Challenges

This week, Ellie-Mae has been taking part in the 60 second active challenges. She managed to get an incredible 49 throws in 60 seconds for the clap and catch challenge! She also extended herself and put her skills to the test by adapting today’s obstacle challenge and completed it while balancing a ball on a spoon.

Well done Ellie-Mae! It’s brilliant to see you keeping active and challenging yourself.

You’ll be perfectly prepared for the exciting virtual sports festival (where you can compete alongside other schools) that will be launching on the school website next week!

Weekly challenge

Naabea has completed this week’s challenge and created an excellent, interactive cereal design! It’s very creative and clear that she’s put a lot of thought into it. She’s created a catchy name, considered the quantities of the ingredients and even included some 3* reviews to show customers how great her product is.

Thank you Naabea for sharing your brilliant design with us!

Keep sending updates and photos to:

60 Second Active Challenges

Are you up for the challenge?

Each day this week I’d like you to have a go at a 60 second active challenge. Time 60 seconds and see how high you can score! What personal best can you achieve? Can you even achieve bronze, silver or gold?

Monday: Around the World Challenge       Miss Whitehouse’s score: 36 (I used a pillow) 

Tuesday: Tuck In Tuck Out Challenge      Miss Whitehouse’s score: 17 (tired legs now!)

Wednesday: Catch and Clap Challenge  Miss Whitehouse’s score: 38 (I used a teddy)*

Thursday: Step Ups Challenge   Miss Whitehouse’s score: 32 (try to get into a rhythm)**

Friday: Obstacle Challenge        Miss Whitehouse’s score: 29 (now to tidy up!) 

Keep a record of your score each day (or ask an adult to) then share with me how well you’ve done. Can you set a record for your year group?

I’ll update the post each day with my score. Can you challenge me?

Email your name, base and achievements (and photos as I’d love to see you in action!) to:

Stay Active! Stay Healthy!


* for the catch and clap challenge I used a balloon first and scored 29, so I tried using a teddy to challenge myself and got a new personal best!


** I tried this 8 times! My personal best was 32 and my legs couldn’t physically move up and down the step any quicker! I’m very curious whether anyone can achieve silver (or even gold) because my tired legs are telling me that it’s impossible!

Home updates

Miss Morgan and I have received some great photos from Harley and Sophie showing us some of the lovely things they’ve been up to.

Harley looks very proactive balancing his outdoor time with his indoor learning! He’s been keeping fit doing PE with Joe, using Twinkl resources to practise his maths skills and then putting his gardening skills to the test out in the sun!

Sophie has been making the most of the sun with her little sister. They’ve been baking some cakes and going for nice walks with their dog. It’s lovely to see your happy faces.

Thank you both for sending in your fab photos- we love seeing what you’re all up to!

Amazing video!

This morning we received a brilliant video from Alyssa in response to the video that the school shared on the website yesterday. It was SUCH a lovely video and an extremely thoughtful idea! It featured lovely messages from some familiar faces and a series of photos to show what great memories they’ve made at Apley.

Thank you to: Alyssa, Harley, Callum, Kassy, Chelsea, Grace, Sophie, Lauren, Evie, Danielle and Naabea for being part of such an amazing video!

It’s lovely things like this that keep us smiling!


Home Learning- packs

Here are a range of documents which you can work through for each subject but there is no expectation for you complete them all. We want to provide you with as many Home Learning resources as we can so that you can select what is right for you- our main priority is the wellbeing and happiness of the children. The thing we love the most is receiving photos and updates so that we can see all the brilliant things that are being done during these difficult, uncertain times. Please keep sharing these with us!

Remember, you don’t need to print all of these off: you can write down your answers on a piece of paper/notebook.

Topic- Fairtrade

This is your Fairtrade project for the term: Fairtrade project


Here are two maths booklets for you to work through which cover every area of maths.

Year 6 Maths Booklet and Year 6 Maths Answers

Year 6 Maths Activity Booklet 2 and Year 6 Maths Activity Booklet 2 – Answers


Reading booklets:

Writing tasks:

SPaG booklets:


Lesson 1:

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3:

Lesson 4:

Lesson 5:

Lesson 6:


Home Learning- links

Online links can be a brilliant way for new learning while the children aren’t in school but there is no expectation for you use them all.  We want to provide you with as many Home Learning resources as we can so that you can select what is right for you- our main priority is the wellbeing and happiness of the children. The thing we love the most is receiving photos and updates so that we can see all the brilliant things that are being done during these difficult, uncertain times. Please keep sharing these with us!


Topic (Fairtrade)



Other useful links which address a variety of subjects




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