Autumn Term Spellings

Here is a copy of the spellings for the Autumn Term. These will given out each Friday and sent home in your reading record book. Please copy out your spellings during the weekend so that you can practise them throughout the week at home as you will not have a spelling homework book. You will be leaving your reading record book at school Monday-Friday and do not need to bring in a copy of the practises you have been doing at home.


Mindfulness Activities

Hi Year 6!

Hope you all have a wonderful summer before you start your journey at secondary school!

Have a look at the link below for some great mindfulness activities that you can complete during the summer holidays.

Mindfulness Summer Activities 


Weekly Challenge

Last week in Year 6!

This would be your last week as a Year 6 Apley Wood pupil! Even though it may not have been as we would have expected, we have loved spending your final year at Apley Wood teaching you all and watching you grow!

For this week’s challenge, we would love for you to create something to mark what would have been your last week in Year 6 and celebrate leaving/remember your time at Apley Wood. This could be a piece of art work, a letter, a comic strip, a video, a poem – be as creative as you want.

We really look forward to seeing what you create as your final Year 6 piece! Email them to:

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