Year 6 Online Learning Timetable

This is the weekly timetable for those children who are learning from home this week (18th-22th January).

Week 3 Online Learning Timetable – PDF version

Week 3 Online Learning Timetable – Word version

To open the links, right click on the hyperlink. If you are having trouble with this working, you can copy and paste the link into your web browser. For Oak Academy resources, it is written in bold which lesson number to complete and the name of the lesson. (These are all lessons in Key Stage 2 within the relevant subjects).

Year 6 Online Learning Timetable

This is the weekly timetable for those children who are learning from home this week (11th-15th January).

Week 2 Online Learning Timetable – PDF version

Week 2 Online Learning Timetable – Word version

To open the links, right click on the hyperlink. If you are having trouble with this working, you can copy and paste the link into your web browser. For Oak Academy resources, it is written in bold which lesson number to complete and the name of the lesson. (These are all lessons in Key Stage 2 within the relevant subjects).

Teams Online Learning

Hi everyone,

Just a little update about Teams online learning starting from today. (Base 13 you will already be familiar with this from when your bubble closed previously).

  • Each morning at 9am, the daily lessons will be uploaded with an explanation of the task and the necessary resources and links attached. These will also be on the ‘Online Learning Timetable’ posted at the beginning of each week, which you can follow as a guide.
  • Tasks can be completed electronically or by hand. If you complete the task by hand, it would be great if you could take a photo so that we can see what you’ve achieved. Then, you can submit and ‘turn in’ your work on Teams where we will then provide you with feedback.
  • If any questions or queries arise while completing the tasks, you can message Year6Staff through Teams or email us at: and
  • Throughout the school day we will respond to your questions and provide feedback for the work which is submitted – if there is a short delay with responses, please bare with us as we will get back to you as soon as we can.

We have already received some excellent work from the first two days of remote learning so well done for all of your hard work already!

Learning From Home Links- Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th

Hello everyone.

We are organising remote learning to take place where we will be sending you resources and links via teams starting Thursday. The Online Learning Timetable outlines the lessons you will be covering from home.

Today and tomorrow’s links are on the Online Learning Timetable for you to use. If these links aren’t working for you, here is another copy.



(You may need to copy and paste the links from the timetable into your web browser if they do not open by right clicking).

Spring Term Spellings

Here is a copy of the spellings for the Spring Term. These will given out each Friday and sent home in your reading record book. Please copy out your spellings during the weekend so that you can practise them throughout the week at home as you will not have a spelling homework book. You will be leaving your reading record book at school Monday-Friday and do not need to bring in a copy of the practises you have been doing at home.

Week 1 spellings will commence from Friday 8th January.


Year 6 Online Learning Timetable

This is the weekly timetable if any children are learning from home this week (5th-8th January).

Week 1 Online Learning Timetable – PDF version

Week 1 Online Learning Timetable – Word version

To open the links, right click on the hyperlink. If you are having trouble with this working, you can copy and paste the link into your web browser. For Oak Academy resources, it is written in bold which lesson number to complete and the name of the lesson. (These are all lessons in Key Stage 2 within the relevant subjects).

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