Steady Hand Game- Design and Technology

In our DT lessons, we have been looking at planning and creating an electrical circuit game. Today, the children really enjoyed creating their own steady hand game which they then had a go at playing.


This week, Year 4 have been celebrating remembrance day. We have learnt what remembrance is, and why we celebrate it. Everyone in school created their own poppy and we took them into assembly to create our own poppy field. We also held a two minute silence in respect to the soldiers who fought for our country.

Pep the Poet Visit

Year 4 have been very lucky today to have the fantastic Pep the Poet in our school. Pep visited our classrooms to deliver a poetry workshop where he read some of his own poems. We all had lots of fun and he even got some of the children to dress up as pirates!


In Geography, we have been exploring rivers. In our lesson this week, we looked at the similarities and differences between the river Nile and the river Severn. In Base 11, the children use their teamwork skills to work with their partner and organise the facts into the correct river.

Pedestrian Training

Well done to Year 4 who completed their pedestrian training this week. Base 11 and 14 were welcomed by Dianne who told us all about how to stay safe as pedestrians near the roads. We completed a road safety quiz, learnt a song and went outside of the school grounds to practise all our new knowledge. We became experts on stopping, looking, listening and thinking while crossing the road!

Diversity Week

We have had a wonderful week focusing on Diversity and Kindness. We completed a kindness challenge, doodle of the day, and made our own ripple of kindness through school.

We are very lucky to have such kind children in Year 4.

Conductors and Insulators

Conductors and Insulators 

In our science lesson this week, we were set a task to find out which materials would be the best conductors of electricity, so a toy shop could design an electrical toy that works! 

We used our team work skills, to build a circuit, and test the different materials (paper, card, metal, rubber, wood and plastic) to see whether they are a conductor or insulator.

Fantastic work Year 4!

Week 3

It has been another great week in Year 4.

The children worked together as a team to create their own electrical circuits, wrote a biography all about the influence of Alexander Graham Bell, and began exploring the artwork of our focus artist Gustav Klimt!

We are also really enjoying our class story ‘There’s a Pharaoh in Our Bath!’ which links to our Ancient Egyptian topic we will study in History next term.


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