
We are following the DFE attendance guidance, ‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’ (DfE May 22).

For children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly, and your child should be at school in good time for the start of the school day, every day the school is open, unless they are genuinely ill or there is some other unavoidable reason.

Some children are reluctant to go to school and say they do not feel well. It is for you as the adult, to judge whether they are genuinely unwell, or just unwilling. It will be better for them in the long run to go to school, rather than avoid it, as days off mean they will fall further behind and make them even more reluctant. As the parent, it is your responsibility to work with school to encourage them to attend. If you have concerns about your child attending, please contact school via the main email and we can discuss your concerns and support if necessary.

Thank you to everyone for your support with the timings at the start of the school day.  The vast majority of pupils are now in school on time, before classroom doors close at 8:50am which is ensuring a really smooth start to the day in our classrooms.

You may wonder why school would be concerned if your child’s attendance is 95% or below, and why you may be receiving communication from us about this.

This may make it easier to understand:

Even the most enthusiastic learner will find it hard to keep up with their work with these levels of absence. That is why we encourage the highest attendance possible and we thank you for your continued support.

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By Mrs Smith
