10 By 10 Celebration Event – School Council

4 members of our school council took part in a celebration event for the first anniversary of the Telford 10 by 10 scheme. This scheme encourages children to have a go at 10 specified activities by the age of 10. These range from over night visits to debating, visiting a library and learning to swim. The celebration event was a fantastic opportunity to see children from our local schools singing and show casing their dancing. We were also lucky enough to have talks from various members of the council including the director of education, Simon Wellman. Once again, the pupils from Apley were fantastic at the event and represented our school brilliantly. Well done Aaron, Alexandra and Sophia in year 4 and Efosa in year 3.


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By Mrs Williams

I am the Assistant Headteacher, English Co-ordinator and year 4 class teacher.